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Watch Blade Runner 2049 Blade Runner – 2017 Science Fiction Movie

    Blade Runner 2 - Blade runner 2049 is ready for you to watch with a single-track alternative. Since Blade Runner 2049 does not currently have a Turkish dubbing alternative, you will be able to watch it with Turkish subtitles. When the Turkish dubbing package of the movie is released in the coming days, you can watch it right here. The movie has a good IMDb score of 8,4. It received positive comments from many film critics. In the comments made on online movie watching sites, the movie is more than necessary and there are few action scenes. Although the movie does not contain action and adventure, science fiction movies We believe that it will be a good choice for those who love it. Let us also remind you that the theme of tension is also discussed in the movie. Without further ado, let's give other information about the Blade Runner 2049 movie.

    Blade Runner 2049 - Plot of Blade Runner 2 Blade Runner Movie

    The movie, which is a sequel, tells the story 30 years after the first movie. Officer K. (Ryan Gosling) is a brave cop working in the Los Angeles Police Department. Thanks to his attention, he reveals the secret of a terrible disaster that will plunge humanity into chaos. Now he has limited time to escape from this disaster. He finds Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former bounty hunter, and asks him to answer some questions. The duo will put their lives on the line to prevent this disaster that could bring the end of humanity. Blade Runner 2017, which is a good choice for those who love 2049 science fiction movies, enjoy watching the movie with the option of watching it in one piece.

    Blade Runner 2049 - Other Information About Blade Runner 2 Movie

    Blade runner 2049 movie has an IMDb score of 8.4 and is a successful 017 science fiction-thriller production with famous actors such as Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford. The movie was voted by more than 150 thousand people and has a high IMDb score. The film was prepared with a high budget of 150 million dollars. You will tell whether it meets expectations or not. Additionally, the movie is 2 and a half hours long. Please, our viewers who want to watch the movie should arrange their time accordingly.

    Movie Release Date: October 6, 2017
    Year of Construction and Country: 2017 - USA
    Movie Genre: Science Fiction, Drama, Thriller
    Duration: 163 minutes 26 seconds
    Director: Denis Villeneuve
    Cast: Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, Jared Leto, Robin Wright
    Screenplay: Michael Green, Hampton Fancher
    Producer: Ridley Scott, Andrew A. Kosove
    Other Name: Blade Runner 2
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