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Ex Machina (2015) Movie

    Ex Machina (2015) is one of the films that successfully blends drama and science fiction themes. The movie, which deals with the subject of artificial intelligence, does not contain action scenes. If you want a movie suggestion with action and science fiction, you can watch the movie on our site starring Matt Damon. Elysium New Eden movieWe recommend you to take a look. Plot of the movie Ex Machina is: Celeb specializes in the field of software and as a result of this talent, he lives by working in the world's leading internet companies. When he wins the internal performance competition, he gets the opportunity to meet Nathan, the founder and CEO of the company, as a reward. Celeb, who will spend a week with her boss, who lives in a chalet away from everyone, is very excited to get to know him closely and exchange ideas. However, Celeb has no idea about the surprise waiting for her. During this visit, he will be subjected to an experiment in establishing a relationship with Ava, an artificial intelligence robot. Ava is an artificial intelligence robot that has not completed all its developments and its developments are a matter of curiosity. Filmizle88 As the team, Ex Machina (2015) sci-fi movie We tried to provide you with the broadest summary of the subject. Now you know what to watch. The final decision is yours, of course. Below is other information about the movie.

    Other Information About Ex Machina Movie

    • Although Ex Machina is a science fiction movie, it was shot with a budget of only 15 million dollars.

    • In its opening week, it earned only 250 thousand dollars.

    • The film later gained popularity and managed to earn a total of $25,442,958 in the United States.

    • The film, which earned an income of more than 38 million dollars worldwide, has a good average IMDb score of 400 in a vote of 7,7 thousand people.

    • Ex Machina movie hakkında Filmizle88 We hope you enjoy what we are going to convey to you.

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