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Watch Journey to the Past – Will You Be There South Korean Movie

    Let's take those who love South Korean romantic movies here. Journey to the Past (Will You Be There) is one of the drama, fantasy and romantic productions worth watching. If you are prejudiced against South Korean movies, please give this movie a chance. Of course, if you are a fan of action, science fiction, adventure or thriller movies and do not watch movies other than these, a journey into the past movie is not for you. As for the subject of the movie "Journey to the Past", also known as "Will You Be There"; Soo Hyun Un is a doctor who is successful in his job, friendly and cares about his patients. When he contracts a contagious disease, he goes to seek medical help from another doctor like himself. Life is now even more pessimistic for Soo Hyun Un, who learns that he does not have long to live and will die soon. A doctor he doesn't know asks Soo Hyun Un what he would like to do before he passes away. Soo Hyun says he wants to see his girlfriend, whom he lost in a car accident 30 years ago. Although this seems impossible, the doctor gives him a pill. Pill it travel to the past will have it done. Although he cannot hide his surprise at first, he will later get used to this supernatural event. So, can he go back to the past and prevent that accident? Or will he be able to correct the mistakes he made? Soo Hyun soon realizes that when he changes some things in the past, it also affects his future. Soo Hyun Un, who was excited when a trip to the past allowed her to meet her 30-year-old self, will not be able to control her emotions when she sees her ex-lover again. Considering that South Korean movies attract a lot of attention in our country, it seems that the movie Journey to the Past will also be appreciated by you. Enjoy watching it.

    Watch Journey to the Past - About the South Korean Movie Will You Be There

    The movie, shot in 2016, is also known as Dangshin Geogi Iteojoorraeyo. The film is directed by Ji-Yeong Hong. The director also contributed to the writing of the film. The 2-hour film is filled with emotional moments. The film, which also attracted attention in its country, was released in South Korea on December 14, 2016. In the movie, no effects were used in flashbacks to the past or future. The pole is limited by a simple passage. Frankly, this does not bother the audience, so we do not think it is a situation to focus on. Of course, the fact that the film is in the fantasy category may make those who choose the film expect something, but they may change their choices when they read our entire article. We would like to point out that we added the movie "Journey to the Past" (Will You Be There) to our website, inspired by the positive comments received on movie-watching sites. For your suggestions and complaints film izle 88 It will be enough to contact us through our website. Have a nice time.
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  1. avatar
      Ceren 15 September 2017 01:13:30

    These Koreans really know this business well. Will you release more movies from Korean cinema?

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