Mystery Movies
Watch Gone Girl – Turkish Dubbing Gone Girl Mystery Movie
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Watch Gone Girl – Turkish Dubbing Gone Girl Mystery Movie Thriller Movies, Mystery Movies 
Turkish dubbing
Gone Girl, originally known as Gone Girl, is a great production for those who love mystery movies. Gone Girl Turkish dubbed movie lasts two and a half hours and is a great choice for those who love mystery movies. We recommend that you pay attention while watching the movie Gone Girl, which has an IMDb score of 8.2. Because events are constantly connected, it is necessary to pay attention to details. There is a missing woman and clues are very important! Let's talk a little about the plot of the movie Gone Girl, which we can definitely include in the category of mystery movies and best movies. Watch Gone Girl Plot of Gone Girl Movie: Nick and Amy are a happy couple. The couple, who wake up beautifully in the morning, will celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary in the evening. While Nick is trying to prepare for the evening, he cannot reach his wife. When the searches yield no results, the incident becomes more interesting. When this incident attracted the attention of the press, the incident received great attention. Nick is the last person to see his wife and he is increasingly attracting suspicion. Because lying and inconsistency are the moves that Nick started to use. In the eyes of the police and the press, Nick killed his wife and made it look like she was missing. The missing girl cannot be found and the prime suspect is her husband Nick. Although the man insists that he did not kill his wife, his actions have begun to drag him into a swamp. The end of the movie ends with a great fiction. As we mentioned at the beginning, Gone Girl is a long movie that those who love mystery movies will love. We hope you enjoy watching it.
  • 2014
  • 720P
  • IMDb 8,2
  • 596
  • 0
Our Mystery Movies watch category consists of movies whose endings we are curious about and which usually lead to a twist. Let's not forget that when combined with tension, exquisite productions emerge.
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