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Mogli the Jungle Book (2016) Movie

    If you are looking for a good movie that you can watch with your family, Mogli Jungle Book (2016) is the movie for you. The film, which contains animation, drama, fantasy and adventure themes, was published on imdb (imdb), where nearly two hundred and fifty thousand people participated in the voting.Forest Boy imdb) site received an above average score of 7,4. Turkish dubbing ve subtitle The movie, which has video alternatives, appeals to adults as well as children. Without further ado, let's move on to the subject of the movie.


    Plot of Mogli Jungle Book (The Jungle Book 2016) Movie

    In the forests of India, a little boy named Mogli, who lost his family, was found and raised by animals. Raised by a black panther, a bear and a pack of wolves, Mogli began to be accepted even by other animals. Black panther Bagheera, forest boyIt teaches you a lot in these difficult living conditions. Bagheera, who takes him under his wing, is his mentor, so to speak. There is only one animal that dislikes and cannot accept Mogli, who has gained the love of most animals in the forest over the years. He is Shere Khan, the lawful tiger who has been ruling the forest for years. The tiger looks forward to the day when he will hunt Mogli. forest boyHe is aware that he is not an easy prey. Also, when Mogli is forced to leave the forest he knows as home, his life adventureHe is not aware that he will experience this. This fantasy adventureWe hope you will have a great time while watching. This is not all we have to say about the Forest Child movie. Below is information about the movie, except the summary. You can find many details in the rest of the article, such as which films the director, screenwriter and actors starred in, and how their success was in terms of box office revenues.


    About the Jungle Book 2016 Movie

    • The director of the film will be released in 2019 and is highly anticipated. animation movie He also directed The Lion King.

    • Screenwriter Jon Favreau is part of the script of the movie Top Gun: Maverick, which will be released in 2020.

    • It is said that the film was shot with an estimated budget of 175 million dollars.

    • It earned $103,261,464 in box office revenue in its opening weekend.

    • Orman Cocugu It left the movie theaters in the USA with a nice box office revenue of $364,001,123.

    • It achieved great success, earning $966,550,600 worldwide.

    • Filmizle88 That's all we have to say about it. A special thank you to our friends who have read this far. Enjoy watching.

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