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Snowden Movie (2017)

    We are here with the movie Snowden, in which the biography of Edward Snowden, who was declared America's greatest traitor with his statements and seen as a hero by some, was brought to the big screen. The film shows that when America legalized a secret law to record e-mails, phone records, hard drives, social media accounts, credit card statements and even computer cameras in the name of security, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) at that time. having an employee Edward SnowdenIt is about how he becomes aware of the situation, reveals this incident to the whole world, and the events that follow. I can say that you will watch the movie breathlessly. The magnitude of the events and the realism of the events also increased the immersion of the film. snowden movieBy watching, you will be able to fully master the event that shocked the whole world. Also, we have to give credit to the actors in the movie, they did a really good job. Edward SnowdenThis impressive book tells the most important part of 's life. biography moviefrom our website Turkish dubbing yada subtitle You can watch it.

    Other Information About the Snowden Movie

    • The movie's Türkiye release date is June 6, 2017

    • It is estimated that the film was prepared with a budget of 40 million dollars.

    • It earned $8 million in its opening weekend in the United States and $21 million in total. It is estimated that his being declared a traitor is the reason for this low box office. However, we can say that it has a good rate compared to most movies.

    • Finally, Snowden's worldwide gross revenue is $37,357,216. To all our members and guests who have read this far, Filmizle88 Thank you, have a good time.

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